Shop Small Columbus is brought to you by Alex Furfaro SEO Consulting, a digital marketing company in Columbus, Ohio.
Living in Columbus for over half my life now, I can officially say that this city has become my home. Columbus is an incredible place to live, filled with wonderful people and a growing community that is constantly evolving.
One of the things that I love most about Columbus is the people. The residents here are some of the kindest, most welcoming people I have ever met. There is a strong sense of community here, the people genuinely care about each other and seem to have a happy outlook on life. Maybe it’s the thriving community, maybe its all of the opportunities in town, or maybe it’s just the wonderful people I’ve met in town. It’s hard to explain but the positivity, gratitude, and general happiness I feel from the people around town, I don’t get that same feeling in other places. Columbus has so many great people, is a great place to live, and has a wonderful sense of involvement. Whether it’s through volunteering at community events, helping children or those less fortunate, or simply showing support for local businesses, the people of Columbus are always willing to lend a helping hand.
Being the capital city with over a million people in the greater area, there is always something going on. There are great events like the Jazz & Rib Fest or the Ohio State Fair, weekly concerts or plays at the Ohio Theater, farmers markets in summer and plenty of annual events raising money for good causes like Pelatonia. These events bring people out and the support is felt throughout the city. Many of these events are run by our community and they provide an opportunity for local people to showcase their talents through food, music, and art and also for small local businesses to get in front of people while showing their support. And that’s why we’re here – to support our small business community.
Shopping local is essential for the city’s continued growth as it helps to keep the money in our community and support our local families. Buying from a local store or hiring a local service provider puts food on your neighbor’s table, keeps a roof over their head, and helps put their kids through sports and other activities. While Columbus has also seen investment from large corporations like Intel and their new chip manufacturing plant which will have massive repercussions for years, in the end, mom & pop businesses are the ones that give our city personality, make it unique, and keep our community going.
Keep our community thriving and Shop Small Columbus!
From mom & pop home start-ups to 20+ location businesses, we’ve been working with small businesses since 2016, driving thousands of phone calls and website visitors to companies just like you. Our average client has been with us over two and a half years with our longest standing client being with us since April of 2018 (65 months as of September of 2023).
Google is a competition and there are only 3 spots in maps and 10 spots in the organic listings. We partner with small businesses to help them gain visibility online.
Give us a call or visit our website for an honest assessment of your current online marketing and how you can use our proven strategies to increase your local presence and get more business online.
Phone: (614) 901-2197
Service area business case study:
Send us a message and we’ll be happy to give you a free marketing analysis.